Greetings O faithful readers,
Over the recent weeks, I have been putting my fixer onto more noble tasks, with the results being evident for all to see.
It is with great pleasure that I announce to the world the next step in our dastardly plan for worldwide cyberspace domination... opps sorry, that was the wrong feed!
What I am trying to say is that blogspot will not be the home for I am Jonny King anymore... we have moved up in the world... at least I'd like to think so... see what you think.
You can check out the new blogsite... HERE
I trust that you enjoy the new experience
The past few days I have made my way through Battling Unbelief by the ghost writer for Jonathan Edwards, John "Christian Hedonism" Piper.
I can say that I have readeemed the time in completing this quest and have had my soul renewed and stirred to pursue Christ and His Word as the end of all my searching, longing, and joy.
While the text of this book is only 155 pages, the practical import of what Piper is calling readers to, will last a lifetime, if only we weren't so stupid (I speak from experience)!
In Battling Unbelief, the reader is presented with the challenge of applying the practical chapters of a previous book titled, The Purifying Power of Living by Faith in Future Grace, or as Piper puts it, the ones that actually illustrate how faith in future grace severs the root of sin and sets free the stream of love.
Piper wants to answer the real life questions of how to free ourselves from anxiety, pride, misplaced shame, impatience, covetousness, bitterness, despondency, and lust. My conviction (that is John Piper's) is that unbelief in the promises of God (that is, future grace) is the root that sustains the life of these sins.
"If only it were that easy," you may be thinking!
This is, however, no formulaic five steps to quit smoking deal. This is a passionate call for the faithful to grace up battle arms, trusting in the unbeatable God and His unbreakable Word... or, as Piper puts it:
'Battling unbelief,' is another way of saying, 'Living by faith in future grace.' The 'unbelief' that I have in mind is the failure to trust the promises of God that sustain our radical obedience in the future. These promises refer to what God plans to do for us in the future, and that is what I mean by future grace. It is 'grace,' because it is good for us and totally undeserved. And it is 'future' in that it hasn't happened to us yet but may in the next five seconds or the next five thousand years.
Therefore, in light of this, John Piper calls his readers to (1) Battle against unbelief in the promises of God (2) Fight the fight of faith in future grace (3) Rejoice that we can fight this fight not as though it doesn't matter, but knowing that it matters infinitely, and that God is with us to the end.
Just before you go on thinking that this is going to be one long book review, settle pettle, if this was going to be our reality, we could be here all night. Instead, you are going to be blessed with one long chapter review! Call it a representative head!
We seem to be in the midst of a time when a negative despondency is seeming to engulf and characterize our time. Promoted by much in the media who excuse their entertainment for news, we are presented daily with the latest breaking news that informs us that a given situation is worse than ever expected, and unless we do this or that... it is over. This does not even take into account your run of the mill muggings and murders!
Now, to be sure, there is much that is wrong in this world (and it may get worse), which should cause the believer to lament that this world is not as it should have been (Good one Adam!), and in light of the present financial circus, with ringmaster CEO, proving more adept at clown impersonations, the Christian may find reason to become anxious, despondent, and downcast about the circumstances of this world, perturbed, and even a little unsettled. This does not even take into account the various vexing vissictudes that come when least expected in our own personal contexts.
In light of this, I thought it was fitting to spend some moments reflecting on the message of chapter seven, Battling Despondency.
Piper introduces us to this battle by defining what he means by despondency, which he affirms as differing from depression, but more than simply having a bad day. Between those two there is a broad terrain of unhappiness where too many Christians live their lives. Beneath much of that experience is unbelief in future grace of God and its foundation in the person and work of Christ.
In this chapter, Piper calls on one of his spiritual heroes, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who has done much spade work on this topic in a series of sermons in 1954, which was later published under the title of Spiritual Depression.
I have to say that I am also a fan of "Logic on Fire," as he is affectionately referred to. In seeking to highlight the extent of this despondent reality in Christian circles, Piper can do no better than to affirm the statements of Lloyd-Jones many moons ago:
I have no hesitation in asserting again that one of the reasons why the Christian church counts for so little in the modern world is that so many Christians are in this condition [of spiritual depression]
The greatest need of the hour is a revived and joyful Church
Unhappy Christians are, to say the least, a poor recommendation of the Christian faith.
Remember, Piper is not referring to those who suffer from legitimate forms of depression. He affirms this by citing two examples of faithful believers who struggled with the "black dog," David Brainerd and Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Piper also agrees with Lloyd-Jones that it is an oversimplification to say that the 'single' root of despondency is unbelief. These are not simple issues to resolve, but Piper affirms in kind that the 'ultimate' cause of all spiritual depression is unbelief.
Because these issues are complex, Piper wants to make clear the focus of this chapter:
Without denying the complexity of our emotions and their hereditary and physical and family dimensions, what I want to show is that unbelief in future grace is the root of 'yielding' to despondency. Or to put it another way: Unbelief is the root of not making war on despondency with the weapons of God. Unbelief lets despondency take its course without a spiritual fight.
Lloyd-Jones said that if we are converted with a bent toward despondency "we will still have to 'fight' that after conversion." It's the fight we are talking about in this chapter, not the onslaught of melancholy that demands the fight.
If this is the focus of the chapter, the question that needs to be answered is how does one fight?
It is fought by preaching truth to ourselves about God and his promised future.
To underscore this important reality, Piper records a rather long quote from "The Doctor" that I will selflessly type out for you... what a guy!
I say that we must talk to ourselves instead of allowing "ourselves" to talk to us! Do you realize what that means? I suggest that the main trouble in this whole matter of spiritual depression in a sense is this, that we allow our self to talk to us instead of talking to our self. Am I just trying to be deliberately paradoxical? Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? Take those thoughts that come to you the moment you wake up in the morning. You have not originated them, but they start talking to you, they bring back the problems of yesterday, etc. Somebody is talking. Who is talking to you? Your self is talking to you. Now [the Pslamist's] treatment was this; instead of allowing self to talk to him, he starts talking to himself. "Why are thou cast down, O my soul?" he asks. His soul has been depressing him, crushing him. So he stands up and says: "Self, listen for a moment, I will speak to you... Why art thou cast down? - what business have you to be disquieted?..." And then you must go on to remind yourself of God, Who he is, and what God is and what God has done, and what God has pledged Himself to do. Then having done that, end on this great note: defy yourself, and defy other people, and defy the devil and the whole world, and say with this man: "I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance."
If to further underscore and illuminate the reality of despondency in a believer's existence and the way to battle out, Piper turns to the ultimate example, Messiah.
On the night Jesus was betrayed, at a time when redemption was drawing near, Satan and his hell-bound henchmen were not going to take this One lying down, and we are given a glimpse of this battle in Matthew 26:36-39.
However, Jesus was ready to go to war, and his example provides a paradigm to defeat the demon of despondency.
It is worth quoting Piper in full for your edification:
First, he chose some close friends to be with him. "[He took] with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee" (Matthew 26:37). Second, he opened his soul to them. He said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death" (v. 38). Third, he asked for their intercession and partnership in the battle. "Remain here, and watch with me" (v. 38). Fourth, he poured out his heart to his Father in prayer. "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me" (v. 39). Fifth, he rested his soul in the sovereign wisdom of God. "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will" (v.39). Sixth, he fixed his eyes on the glorious future grace that awaited him on the other side of the cross. "For the joy that was set before him [Jesus] endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2).
We will all have times in our lives that threaten our future.
When this happens John Piper wants you to remember the following:
The first shockwaves are not sin. The real danger is yielding to them. Giving in. Putting up no spiritual fight. And the root of that surrender is unbelief... Jesus shows us another way. Not painless, and not passive. Follow him... all the dark caves of despondency are really tunnels leading to the fields of joy - for those who don't sit down in the dark and blow out the candle of 'faith' in 'future grace.'
As I reflect on this chapter a couple of things stand out (1) The example of Jesus in Gethsemane and his cry for community. At a moment of such intensity, he called on His community for support and encouragement. Reader, I trust that you are in community and are building relationships, grounded in grace, built for the battle! (2) The importance of realizing that the crux of this battle does not reside on stopping those moments of melancholy from ever happening, but that the crux of the battle is going to war WHEN they happen. We can so easily get discouraged and feel that the battle is lost when those moments begin to talk to us. This is exactly what the enemy wants. We need the maturation to discern his battle plan, and go on the attack by believing what God says... and yes, TALK BACK!!!
Its time for War
Do yourself a favour, buy this book, or you can borrow it off me, if your a friendly chap (and in my part of NZ)!
Until Next Time...
While it was not clear how the then candidate Barack Obama viewed the nation of Israel and the multiple issues surrounding this nation, as at the time, he made somewhat conflicting and ambiguous comments. The appointment that the-then President-elect Obama made for his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, was viewed as a positive early indication that the administration of President Obama would continue the close ties preceding US administrations had with Israel.
However, are we seeing the clouds beginning to gather on Israel's horizon?
With the US decision to attend the first preparatory meetings of this "anti-Israel", I mean, "anti-racism" UN forum known as "Durban II", are we witnessing the "signs in the sky." Time will only tell, but there is definitely some "red sky in the Boker (morning)."
Read these two accounts documenting and examining this decision...
You can also read about how the Obama administration affirmed that he would not be attending Durban II in a November 27, 2008 article here...
The administration is leaving its cards on the table as to what they will do as the time for the actual forum draws near.
However, in light of Durban I, and the clear message that this forum indicated in regards to Israel, which precipitated the US and Israel to walk out, in light of Durban II's first draft declaration that has again singled out Israel for further castigation, and thirdly, in light of the clear statement that the Obama administration indicated post their election victory, one has to ask... HOW COULD YOU?
Or is it that our presupposition is incorrect, which is that the Obama administration would continue the bed-rock US support of Israel... hence the surprise.
If this is so, and it is still an IF at this stage, tears as well as prayers may accompany our Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim
Wisdom is Crying Out in the Streets... Is Obama Listening?
Until Next Time...
POSTSCRIPT: Melanie Phillips has provided some more details about this decision, which may be of further interest... See here
Yes, I am pleased to announce that my next post about Parachute is nearing its completion.
Due to unprecedented expectation, nearing fervor, and to ensure that post-publication chaos does not ensue, I am asking, even pleading, for many of my readers to follow these important instructions. Please read carefully!
Could all those living at odd numbered houses in the northern part of Saskatchewan only visit this blog in the hours of midnight to three AM (local time) for the coming two weeks. This should make all the difference in the world to those wanting to use the Internet in this coming period (Just in case anyone is curious, market research has affirmed that the northern part of Saskatchewan is a prime target area for this blog, and will be viewed by the locals as culturally savvy). We thank you for your assistance.
However, this reality is for another day!
To whet your appetite and as an interlude to this significant moment, let me inform you of something that I am genuinely excited about (I am now being sincere, my humor quota has now be filled. As I read this out to my wife, I was having a good old chortle, she, on the other hand, did not find this humorous at all... She appreciates your prayers).
Now to the point of my post...
Released recently by Reach Records is an album by a collaboration of Christian Hip-Hop artists titled 13 Letters. I may be Vanilla Ice, but I am want to listen to something with a block busting beat. Not only does this album have baseline with intensity (thanks Arrested Development), but the lyrics, I say the lyrics, rock my house, my street, my world.
Am I sounding young, hip, hype and out dude? Its a rhetorical question, tiger, settle down.. No need to be rude!
Let me lose the persona and explain what I mean.
13 Letters is a lyrical presentation of the 13 Pauline Epistles. After listening to this album, I can honestly say that I was stoked... blessed... edified with the words and message of each track. I would have to say that this is lyrical theology at its best.
Too often in Christian circles we see another one biting the dust, becoming another relic in the pursuit of style without substance, where the challenge of synthesizing content and context is miserably met, with either one or the other lost in translation (to quote a movie).
In the music scene, more often than not, it is the lyrics that are missing, and just like overcooked broccoli (sorry Mum), once this has transpired, all the goodness is gone, and all you have left is a mushy reminder of what could have been! This collaboration of Hip Hop artists, with a definitive reformed bent, has satisfied all the above criteria that not only should bless your gangsta soul, but should also exemplify what can be done and should be done for the sanctification of our souls, and the worship and glory of our Creator God.
My favourite tracks are on the Book of Romans and the Letter to the Philippians. I had to smile as Shai Linne in his track titled Gospel Music (on the Book of Romans) encourages his listeners to go deeper into a commentary, and who does he mention? Only John MacArthur, Leon Morris, James Boice, and R. C. Sproul. Couldn't you just imagine John MacArthur returning the respect. One can only chuckle as one pictures "the mac" MacArthur getting down with the beat... Homie!
You should listen to a portion of each track here. You may find more if you google... or youtube it
However, the fun does not stop here posse.
Coming very soon is a multi media study on the 13 Letters. What this will entail is a live performance of each track, a 30 minute study on each of the books, interviews with the artist, and a mini-series to put the themes of the 13 Letters in a real-world setting. Talk about finishing the deal.
I, I mean we, have a 15 year old son who doesn't get down with the DC Talk anymore. He is a fan of Hip-Hop and already has the album, therefore, I am very excited to see this collaboration take it to the next level. This is exactly what my offspring's generation need to be exposed to, and something that I so desperately desire for my son... mentors who they look up to who have been and continue to be absolutely shattered by the Word of God, who are radically and faithfully seeking to "go deep" in God's written revelation, thereby being transformed for the purpose of replication by application through illumination (lay down a track why don't I).
I can only encourage you to bring "freedom in Christ" to your wallet and go buy the album and the curriculum. Hearing an overview of the message of each book will not only be music to your ears, but food for your soul, which will encourage you to go all biblical, worshiping your Creator in the days of your youth, and to reference the first line in Shai Linne's track... the result will be Soli Deo Gloria!
This album is rope-a-dope-dude!
For more about the album, curriculum, etc, see...
One can only pray that this will be the beginning of a number of albums from these made righteous rappers. My prayer is that this album will be a catalyst for further reflections, resulting in music-based material that goes deep into the Word of God, capturing a generations heart... beat
Until next time...
Some light relief for the weary!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a moving picture worth?
When I reflect on any given Parachute experience, I am drawn into reflecting on Parachute pre-Mystery Creek. For all those who are unfamiliar with what I am rabbiting on about, let me explain.
Parachute was not always where it is today, at the Mystery Creek compound, just outside Hamilton. In fact, it has had a few destinations in its history. However, the place where Parachute went through its maturation stage was at Totara Springs, near "it doesn't" Matamata. It was here in much more rural surroundings, something looking like the setting for the "Glastonbury" Festival in the UK that the Parachute really opened.
This is where it gained that cool factor, not merely for what was taking place, but for where it was taking place. It had character for so many city slickers who were looking to "rough it" (I mean Main Stage was a grassy area inhaled by a huge grassy banked amphitheater). It had that "Kitchy" factor where a culture was created through the vehicle of the event, which meant that if you missed going to the whole weekend, you missed the event.
Today, when I reflect on the Parachute enjoyment factor, I do not judge it by such criteria (now to be fair, I have heard that this change was encouraged by outside factors), nor am I concerned about missing the culture post-midnight.
What I am concerned about missing are the acts of note, and my/ our excitement, even for our 15 year old son, who did not experience Totara-Parachute comes down to who is heading our way from shores overseas to headline the evening times of exuberance. While I am a big fan of many of NZ's own, such as Mum's Dollar and Rapture Ruckus, since I am pretty sure they are going to be at each Festival, my anticipation leading up to each event is centered on who is getting the big bucks to perform for my audience of one.
Therefore, it is with this in mind, that I am thankful for the Christ-centered, God-glorifying perspective of the majority of the big acts at the Chute 09, which meant that not only was I thankful that they could hold a handy tune, but I was thankful that they also directed me away from the man-filled stage before me, to the stage in the sky.
Let me digress about the evenings a little... OK, maybe a lot!
While the family who forced 5 performed late Friday night, NZ acts dominated Main Stage Friday night. While I think Mum's Dollar are rather dapper, I missed them, however, I was blessed, once again with "Pre-Millennial" Rapture Ruckus. While his sound is definitely baseline, it is His lyrics, message, and persona that reflect on someone who has been graced from on high, but also someone who is seeking to grasp in greater reality what it means to be saved! I don't know the ins and outs of his story, but the gravity of his rescue seems to have cast an ever-lengthening shadow of the cross of ALL grace on his life. It was good to hear some new sounds from the man, with his sound ever maturing and diversifying, with his new number about "holding on" underscoring this for me.
Saturday was... HOT! Therefore, it was a pleasure to find Saturday evening after the horrendous Hamilton heat.
What stood out for me about the "Force of 5" was not so much their music or stage craft, although both were thoroughly rigorous. Maybe a better way of putting it is that one moment at the end of their performance cast a shadow over the reflections in my mind. The Force had just finished their set and everyone had enjoyed what was presented, but then one member stepped forth to the microphone.
After spending some 60 minutes being contextualized by this group, the sense of what was going to happen next was palpable. Surely another moment for the groupies to die for! However, no more histrionics would be taking place, but a simple call for everyone to take off their hats as we were going to pray. "Was this guy being funny?" This was the perplexed response of many who were trying to reconcile what they had viewed with what they were now hearing. Yes, this band member was deadly serious as he called on people to have some reverence!
Now before you play the Pharisee card and extol the virtues of cultural contextualization, please think about why this band member took this call to action. Obviously such a motivation was to honour God, and as such, although some might want to culturally condemn such an action, as we live in such a culture where this call still resonates with the majority, knock yourself out!
The reason that I believe many were unsure about this band member's call was that many had made the superficial mistake of connecting spiritual depth with the sound of one's musical taste and the timidity of one's personality (I hear Mark Driscoll calling). Family Force 5 affirmed that while they were hard-core rockers, the core of their commitment to Jesus was above all earthly associations... respect.
To be honest, the next act on Main Stage was not one that I had heard a great deal of, apart from their radio air-time. In other words, our son did not have their album. While I had to chuckle about the "Hollywood style" of the lead wearing his glasses in the middle of the night (I am sure the lights were powerful. They must have lessened in intensity when he took them off later), they had a solid sound that was pleasing for all who stayed and listened. I know, this sounds like a rather "limp" description, but I have to admit that while enjoying their sound, I was not taken captive. This does not indicate that they were unimpressive, but it does indicate that the sound did not grasp my soul and yell "I'm Yours"!
However, what did grab me and remains an abiding memory of Kutless is a moment when the quest or search for significance that so many seek to find at the end of a guitar pick, was put into abject perspective. For many who attend Parachute, some young and not so young, the search for significance is an idolatrous affair, a fix that can only be found in One, which is encouraged by the very context of thousands of individuals placing all their attention on those at the front.
The result can be that, for many, as the leader singer of Kutless admitted about himself in earlier days, if he could just have played in front of such an audience, fulfillment would have found its destination. Sadly many search for such failed fulfillment, thinking they will find manna from heaven, only to be fooled by the mirage of their machinations, still left with this God-shaped emptiness (see Pascal) needing to be filled.
Without blinking, and talking from experience-laden reality, this man pointing to Christ, made clear that what he thought he was searching for only made him more lost than found, and like the younger brother in the Prodigal Story (see Tim Keller's book, The Prodigal God), with such realizations in hand, they returned to the only source.
The fact that this is what stood out for me, indicates the significance of this moment!
Time was beginning to expire as night had truly made its home. However, there was still time for "Dave", a true New Zealand icon to warm our hearts with the evident grace that was never too late for Mr Dobbyn.
Even before Dave Dobbyn was stopped in his tracks by the Unstoppable One, he truly understood how to capture a nation with words and sound. I know we have our national anthem, but the words and sound of Loyal are sure to reduce a "kiwi" to longings for home or their national team. I can remember, as we would play this song in Adelaide, all that New Zealand meant to us as a family would be filtered through and captured in one's present existence, at least until its refrain became silent. I confess that on many occasions I would be viewing men in black jersey's running around after an odd-shaped object, carrying the consciousness of a small nation on the bottom of the earth.
Who can remember Dave's last Parachute, when the heaven's opened on him, in a different context, with rain upon rain. At that time, it had just been Dave and his guitar. That was then and this is now (Just to give you a little insight into what is happening as I write this. I have been listening to a CD, which has just finished, and the next CD has come on, with the first track being "Loyal" by Dave Dobbyn - Freaky!), and Dave had returned with band-in-toe.
Now that Dave had been found, his new songs seem to be imbued with a sense of our ultimate Home, and he would not disappoint all those willing to wait for midnight. I confess to admitting that I think I prefer Dave, unaccompanied, acoustic in hand. This is not to say that his performance did not "go off"' and finish off the night on a grand note for a New Zealand partisan crowd, but it is to affirm that there is something about Dave that does not need any encouragement.
There is something beautifully honest about the simplicity of the music of Dave Dobbyn in such a context. His sound is the gentle breeze in the warmth of the day, the slowing moving river engulfed in the middle of Autumn (Fall) by the changing confines, or the maturation of a fine red, left for years of solitude, to burst forth with depth and newness of life (I'm gonna cry).
Whether it be the extent of the raspy range of his voice, or the leading of his guitar, seeing Dave Dobbyn perform in self, is like seeing a red rose, removed from its foliage that has covered its beauty. Yes, the bouquet is impressive, but pull the rose out and view its disposition with unopposed clarity, your wonderment will grow. You may even wonder why it needed such suffocation.
I confess to thinking this way of the music of Dave Dobbyn (This sounds rather naff... comparing Dave to roses). Nevertheless, after continuing to encourage my tiring wife to the finish line of midnight, I was blessed not only by the music of our country, but by the music that has become our faith.
It was home to bed, leaving our son to enjoy the frivolities of the night. Sunday night was on the horizon, with The Dave Crowder Band and Casting Crowns ready to express.
Sunday Night at Parachute is worship night, which is more a reflection of a genre of music than an attitude of the soul. I confess that the older I get, the more I am intoxicated with lyrics. The more Christ-centered and God-glorying the lyrics, the more passionate I am about pursuing.
Sadly, some groups who have entered Main Stage have the sound of kings, but the lyrics of fools, and this can no better exemplified in the Christians scene than those groups desirous of worship status.
However, not tonight Josephine, as I can affirm that Sunday night was a marathon for me as both The Dave Crowder Band and Casting Crowns sought to put God on display, calling on Parachute to look up.
While I could digress a great deal more about the connection Dave Crowder gains with the audience through his "hokey" hometown Texas appeal and the excellence of their sound, I return to Kansas, I return to the lyrics. As I sat on the outskirts of Main Stage, with wife and young son in hand, I could not help but respond to such encouragement and worship my Creator with the words that reflected on the awesome reality of our God, and the sovereign grace that has been extended to the guilty-redeemed. To be sure, this was something that I expected, but my heart was warmed with a view of the divine... surely a time affirming His worth-ship!
Finishing off Sunday Night were the Casting of Crowns. This may also be an apt way of describing the goal of this group's performance, for it is not about the excellence of their music that they desire listener's to focus upon, but the One whose casting Crown of Thorns was not the end of the story.
While Casting Crowns are a little more biographical and paint more of a narrative with many of their numbers. it would not be a stretch for me to simply say, "ditto", in describing the impact of Casting Crowns in relation to Dave. However, it would be remiss of me not to describe the intensity of their message, because it is this component that remains a powerful reminder of their time at Parachute.
While Parachute had wanted the front man (I forget his name) to preach before the group performed, he/ they decided that they would preach throughout their act, which was more natural. Now while I must admit that I would have liked to hear more of their tracks, each sermonette introducing the coming piece, drew in those who were listening, refusing them the option of listening from afar, and thereby missing possible divine moments of grace, whereby lasting impact might come about. These were not glib moments where one had to listen to spiritual sloganeering, these were moments that flowed out of the road less travelled by the chosen few.
Casting Crowns would bless us again on Monday morning, but this seems like an afterthought in Planet of the Parachute.
There we have it, another Parachute done and dusted, and we truly were, as the temperature-induced onslaught of the weekend had reached its goal, sending weary music junkies back to rehab at home.
How would I rate Parachute 2009? Based on the criteria that I set before you, it seems that it was a pretty successful event... I would give it about an 8 out of 10... hardly a scientific poll!
As one reads this, one wonders if the excitement in NZ is building for 2010, with talk of the return of the Switchfoot to whip the fervor of the masses.
I will hold my form and wait to see who is coming before I break out the lemonade and sticky buns, and prepare for another pilgrimage to the Tron.
Just before I go, I almost forgot, I do have another criteria for a successful Parachute... Books, cheap books on special... but that is another story!
Until Next Time...
If you have read my recent ramblings, you would probably have been expecting something on Parachute, and you may be wondering where the blue blazers this is, after all, it has been some two weeks since the chute has fallen.
Fret no more dear reader, I am here to meet your needs!
I don't know if you are willing to go through the rigmarole of packing up your family and car (assuming you have one... loser... just joshing with ya), making sure you have the necessary tent, sleeping bag, and stepping out gear (you know what I mean), while slumming it with one or two extra friends, whilst entering the vortex of a "Back to the Future" scene for us more mature attendees. As I have rolled over the # 30 apex in recent years, each year that I attend Parachute, as I have watched the little grunts mill around the village, seeking to have their 15 seconds of attention, come redemption, I begin to feel more and more aged.
Sucking it up, each of the recent number of years, subsequent to our return from Egypt, I mean Adelaide, Australia, in recognition that we are caught in the web of the "superstar grunt" years, vicariously (we have a teenage son), we do the damage and head north. This year our son, Jordan be his name, who turned 15 on the Wednesday after the Chute, stayed on site, while, those more mature (my wife and I) and immature (our other two younger sons) reclined in a more genteel setting, with the Outlaws (Inlaws for those perplexed), in the Tron of all places!
Before I get into some reflections, at the outset, consider... what do you think about the Parachute experiment?
The reason I ask is that this Festival tends to illicit some pretty strong opinions in the Christian fraternity. Often these opinions seemed to be grounded more in what Parachute could be, than in what it actually is. Their guilt being more in the opportunities that they miss, more than what actually takes places. To be fair, I empathize with such a position, as I do believe that given the resources, the number of people who attend, with the opportunity to truly impact this nation for Christ, Parachute could do more than they are already doing.
Nevertheless, I am genuinely thankful for Parachute. Even though I don't necessarily agree with all of their positions, as outworked in what takes place with some things at the Festival, I think I get their context and what they are trying to achieve (mistakenly or not). As an old man, who is becoming an old man, I am stoked that my son can see National/ International acts up close and personal, seeing and hearing their witness for Christ (modeling), be in a context with the majority of ministries from NZ, and some from around the world who are presenting a cultural movment for my son to connect and invest his life in, while also enjoying some male tomfoolery and bonding time. Let me not forget, seeing Jordan walking around in the village with a wrestler's mask on... that was a definite highlight (I can't bring myself to say "not", maybe Tui will do)!!!
Now that we are all feeling warm and fuzzy, let's have a group hug... Na... send in the hounds.
Let me now be a little more critical if I may. After all, what is love if truth is absent!
I do wonder if Parachute has somewhat of an identity crisis. Maybe this comes from trying to cover so many bases, that in the end, these begin to conflict with one another. I mean if you want to keep getting bigger and bigger, with numbers being paramount, you are going to be faced with some pivotal decisions, and the driver at the wheel may not be as discerning as he should. What wins out in the end, a philosophy of ministry based on truth, or a philosophy of money based on profit? This is no perfect world, and while numbers are important, I wonder if the temptation to grow and be successful.. period, is something that Parachute needs to more diligently consider, in light of some decisions that they have made.
Let me give what I believe is an example to exemplify this reality...
Now I don't know your understanding of the Christian Faith, but there was quite a significant event called the Reformation before our time. At its core, it was a protest (ant) to signal that there was a returning movement, a movement that was not going to be bound by the traditions of the time, but was returning to be bound by the Word of God as the basis for one's faith and practice. If such was their intention, then when Scripture says that The Just Shall Live by Faith (I believe that was the text that impacted young Luther), the mighty men of renown took this and other Scriptures seriously, calling a spade a spade, and nailing their stake of the Cross on a door at Wittenberg, these men affirmed the clear teachings of Scripture that man is justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Now while the Reformation may be a problem for those who just want everyone to play nicely in the sandpit of religious unity, the whole group hug theology is historically and practically untenable.
Therefore, when Parachute decided to include a Catholic Mass as part of the shenanigans over the weekend (and past Festivals), they obviously grasped something the Reformers did not. Let me be clear, I am in no way looking to be offensive, and I am inclined to believe that there are some in the Catholic church who are "in Christ." However, this debate can not be based on an individual basis, it can only be answered by honestly reflecting on how one is justified in Catholic Dogma, and if this is different to the Protestant position, there is a scriptural problem (no presuppositions here).
When all is said and done, truth is no man's debtor!!!
For those who might like some illumination, see the article from the following link
For those who might like some informing on the Catholic Mass, you know the drill
It's a shame what those figures in church history decided to do, makes it so difficult to justify such a decision!
If Paul is correct in Galatians that there is only 1, numero uno Gospel, and that if there is any other "gospel" that is in anyway inconsistent with the Gospel that was passed onto Paul, and the Gospel that Paul preached, whether this was by man, spirit, or even Paul himself, this was an accursed gospel... false... wrong... demonic (See Galatians 1:6-24)!
In light of this Parachute, to quote a phrase, what the Gehenna is going on?
While I have shown myself to be cynical enough to ponder whether or not the basis for such a decision was to widen the base of those who might attend, given that this event has an undeniable evangelical existence... Houston, we have a problem.
Now the second example is from a different category. It is not what Parachute is doing, it is what they should be doing. If Parachute would take this advice (I am sure I am not alone in thinking this), not only would this bring more glory to God, edify the righteous, but it would also be pragmatically effective (what more could you want). Now that I have been blogging for some weeks, I am confident that I now have the attention of the Parachute hierarchy who are no doubt following my writing.
"Dear Parachute,
If you are wanting to encourage more Christians to attend and widen the base, there are many Christians, particularly those who are past their krunk-rock days, who are not that excited about watching the next hero krumping." (if you have no idea what I mean, reader, use your noodle, google)
"Yes! Parachute! You do a great job of bringing some of the best Christian international acts to our shores, and we are gratefully blessed (although steady on with the price hikes). May I say that this year was no exception (in fact, I was stoked with the line-up, more on that at a later date), but what about having this same intentional philosophy and commitment to the conference component of each Festival... Now there's an idea!"
"Thanks for Listening... By the Way, I Come Cheap (and a little nasty)"
Now, given Parachute's pulling power, they are in a prime position to bring some of the best Bible preachers, teachers, apologists, evangelists, etc, in the world. Now I know Parachute are want to bring in their theological/ praxilogical buddies, but this philosophy needs a serious overhaul (I am sorry "choice" Joyce Meyers does not fit the bill IMO).
Just imagine this lineup (Note, this lineup is neither exhaustive, inspired, nor inerrant).
Mark Driscoll or John Piper or C. J. Mahaney - All of these guys are continuationists, which would fit the Parachute bill, but are meat packers. One of these guys could be the main speaker at Main Stage (They could even go for Louie Giglio, he spoke at Hillsong for Heaven's sake).
D A Carson or Tim Keller - These could complete a Book/ Topical Study over 2 or 3 days. Both minister in different theological contexts, and are not ideologues.
William Lane Craig or J. P. Moreland (another continuationist) or Greg Koukl or some other apologetics guy, there are plenty of quality individuals around, just look at the Philosophy departments on US campus' (Keller would be great here too) - Evangelicals Everywhere.
Let me be fair, a positive sign was the addition of someone like John Stonestreet from Summit Ministries (No, I didn't hear him, but the ministry is pretty good from what I know), but Parachute has such an opportunity to put Scriptures like 2 Tim 3:16,17 into practice. Please give us some meat with that candy. We have our knife and fork at the ready!
As one naval-gazes about the potential here, Parachute has the opportunity to practice what is so lacking in the church in New Zealand - to hold both the more creative ways of worshipping God with the more didactic instructional ways in both hands, not viewing these as somehow adversarial, but as friends.
It is sad that, very often, you have to go to two different churches, from two different theological traditions to experience both relevant, powerful music and the arts, which is combined with an extended time (45 mins plus please) of expository preaching from God's Word. I am not using hyperbole when I state that it is tragic that in my sphere of knowledge, I have to look at ministries like Mars Hill, Seattle, and Redeemer, NY (although Keller preaches for a shorter time), to see what could be exemplified by Parachute to the churches of New Zealand, which so desperately needs to see this in action.
This could begin such a groundswell, that, who knows where this could lead. Look, now you have gotten me excited and I'm beginning to sound... you finish the sentence!
Time is money and I am still broke, therefore, I have taken enough of your time, and I will digress more next time.
When... wait for it... ahhhh, you'll have to wait and see (suspense-like, just like TV)
Until Next Time...
I am a sports guy, plain and simple.
Doesn't matter if it is those sports that have been kindly passed on by our British forebears, such as Rugby, Cricket, or Soccer (Football), or those sports that have their nexus in a North American context, such as American Football, Baseball, Basketball, or Ice Hockey, when there is a sporting battle going on, count me in!
Many moons ago I did my tour of duty on the rugby, soccer, and cricket fields of dreams...memories... special!!! I won't bore you with any "boys own" stories (either real or imagined).
Some other early sporting memories that remain part of my consciousness are of Chris Lewis taking on the mac-daddy mouth John McEnroe in the final at Wimbledon, which McEnroe would go on to win. Another is shaking the #10 Springbok maestro's hand, Naas Botha, as a young 5/6 year old at one of their training sessions in Rotorua on the infamous 1981 Springbok Tour of New Zealand, which tore at the fabric of the conscience of our nation (Should they have toured? Good question!)
This might be a good time to think about what a Gospel-centred, God-glorifying perspective looks like in a given sporting context. It seems that for red-blooded, trying to be Gospel-centered males, the sporting arena is an integrative force-field that would have even befuddled Yoda. The dichotomy that exists can be exemplified by the saying, "what happens on the field stays on the field," as if the sporting arena is the one cultural context where for an individual, any rules are acceptable, and therefore, applicable, and because of this, we fail to consider what is appropriate as we have fenced off such considerations from reality.
For the Christian who seeks to integrate all of his life from this Gospel-centred foundation, this perspective is further heightened. This frame of reference easily morphs into what us fans find gratifying in a game, with much of our fruit proving to be spoiled on delivery in front of our moving picture as we assail player, coach and referee alike, demanding results not excuses, no matter what. After all, as we say, its the scoreboard that counts (or does it ultimately!)
I am reminded of what was asked of Michael "Iceman" Jones, the freak of an open-come blindside Flanker for the mighty men in black, the All Blacks, when he was asked how he integrated opening a can on the opposition with his Christian Faith. With tongue slightly in cheek, he would say, quoting the Sacred Text, "it is better to give than receive" We will let that eisegesis slide, but Jones was one sporting icon who considered Christ likeness character to be consistent with being a rugby warrior, thereby achieving integration.
If you find what I am writing to be of the Greek variety to you conceptually, um... nice weather were having... arr... commiserations, we all have crosses to bear!
Nevertheless, we must press on.
In regard to how we can redeem our sporting endeavours, I am reminded of some things that C. J. Mahaney has said to his son in regards to sports for the glory of God.
First, when watching sport on TV (he spoke in a context with his son), Mahaney would seek to focus on and emphasize those acts/ moments/ actions that reflected a Christ-centered perspective, which pretty much means that these were going to be counter-cultural to what is generally focused on. Practically, this means that while the media and public attention will focus on individuals like Tyrell "T.O." Owens, who encourage such attention, Mahaney will seek to not only point out any aberrant behaviour to his son, Chad, but will seek to highlight those individuals who exemplify Christ in sports. Wisdom defined is skillful living!
Secondly, when Chad would play his sport, Soccer, Mahaney would seek to encourage and validate those things that honour Christ, such as not responding when provoked, or supporting/ encouraging a weaker player, as opposed to focusing on those actions that may naturally bring more rewards, such as scoring goals, which can very easily be an opportunity to glorify self.
However, while these are helpful reflections (I hope), the motivation for this piece, and what has pricked my thinking in this area, is what I have observed recently with Rafael Nadal.
Recently, I have seen God's common grace in action through this Tennis Matador. I don't know about you, but I have been sold on the recent Nadal v Fededer battles on centre-courts worldwide. As a general comment, it is so edifying to see two such tough opponents carry themselves with such honour.
However, what has really struck me in recent days is what transpired in the awards ceremony after the final of the Australian Open. I was still feeling slightly euphoric watching our Black Caps Cricket team beat those scoundrel Aussies (Brad Haddin you winner TV Dinner) in One-Day Cricket an hour or so earlier, and the fact that Nadal was able to survive the longest match in Aussie Open history vs "do you hear the drums Fernando" Verdasco, with a day's less rest, while still coming out as the victor made me rather "fan" satisfied.
While the match is memorable, what I was struck with was the genuine empathy with which Nadal showed to his broken opponent, who was falling apart before his and the world's very eyes. As Fededer was weeping from another missed opportunity, Nadal stood with his friend, speaking the truth in love, and standing literally, as Nadal put his arm around Roger, thereby, putting aside the glory that his victory had given, for the benefit of a fallen friend and hero. Subsequently, Nadal has admitted that he could not celebrate in light of how upset Roger was and how he had taken the defeat.
After all, what should one do when a brother weeps?
This was further emphasized in the ceremony as Nadal spoke in his improving English, no (If you have heard him speak, you know why I have added "no"), as he sought to comfort Fededer with encouraging words about him being a champion player who would reach the fourteen Grand Slams that Roger so yearns to reach. However, when one realises that to reach this mark, it will more than likely be through "Rafa" himself, one realises that the humility and empathy that Nadal displayed truly defined him as a champion worth focusing on (He further underscored this in a post-match press conference where he affirmed that he genuinely hoped Roger reached fifteen or sixteen grand slams). In the words of the title of one of Mahaney's books, Nadal showed Humility: True Greatness.
I confess that the sporting arena is one that I find it easy to be entirely results focused, which really means that I have found it challenging to maintain a Christ-centered perspective. Whether it was on the field, where I was drunk with the competitive streak, or post-competitive playing days, where, I admit, when I see those reprobate Springboks or Wallabies getting their proverbials handed to them in no uncertain terms, I am prone to especially enjoy it and find any and all means acceptable.
After all, it isn't tiddlywinks (thanks Tana), which is why I need to semper reformanda and seriously reckon how to redeem the sporting pursuit for not only myself, but in light of my three sons, the children God has given me to steward for His glory.
Therefore, to help in this pursuit, sometime soon, I am going to purchase something to help in making this a reality. Crossway has published a book, authored by Stephen Altrogge, titled, Game Day for the Glory of God.
Here's what C.J. Mahaney says in his foreword (Thanks to the Crossway Blog for this)
This is the book I needed way back when.
I grew up passionate about sports. I played baseball, basketball, and football, and I swam competitively. And when I wasn’t playing sports, I was watching sports. Sadly, I think it was all a waste.
Yep, all of it. I wasted my sports because I didn’t play for the glory of God. I played for the glory of C. J. Like I said, I wish I’d had this book years ago. (Being a Christian would have helped as well!)
I wasted years of playing sports. But it can be different for you. And it will be, if you will read and apply the contents of this unique book. My friend Stephen Altrogge has given us a book we desperately need, on a topic rarely addressed. He applies the gospel not just to our behavior, but to our hearts. He is theologically informed, reminding us that sports are gifts from God and potential means to grow in godliness. Whether it’s a real sport like basketball, soccer, or golf or a bogus sport like Frisbee golf, Stephen wants us to glorify God when we play. (And if you think Frisbee golf is actually a sport, we need to talk.)
So whether you are an athlete (like me), a wannabe (like my friends), a parent, a coach, or simply a fan, Game Day for the Glory of God will provide you with a biblical perspective on sports. In the light of the gospel, you will see game day—and yes, even practice—as a moment of eternal significance, whether you win or lose.

Go Buy It, Read it, and let God redeem your sporting fix, whether it be vicariously through the TV or up close and personal!
Remember Christ's warrant of redemption on your life has no limit of jurisdiction!
Until Next Time...
Behold, the King cometh!
I know its been long, too long, and we have so much to catch up on. Our excursions to lands north, with people unknown has transpired, and we have returned. There is much to comment on, and digression will happen in due course.
However, let me begin with a reflection on a conversation that I had with a Jewish believer at Parachute. He had recently returned from living in Canada, and in light of what has been transpiring in the Middle East, he affirmed that he had experienced more anti-Israel sentiment in the few months in New Zealand, than in all his time in Canada.
While this is merely anecdotal, with the protesting of the Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer, the lack of service without a smile by the Turkish Cafe owner in Invercargill, and the other protest marches that have taken place, the message that is presented of New Zealand's opinion of Israel and what has taken place in Gaza has been heard.
Okay reader, this may not be your opinion, but if you think differently, when is your voice (or my voice) being heard to differentiate from this perspective?
To be honest, one should not be surprised by this reality. Afterall, Mainstream media coverage that is empathetic with the contextual vicissitudes of this situation is about as numerous as the prophet Jeremiah's converts. Afterall, the news is just "the news", the way it is, the whole story, coming in thirty second sound bytes at a time, no presuppositions here (Yes, we all have these!)
With this in mind, I was pleased to view one of the war horses of Israeli politics, Shimon Peres, give a passionate defense of the overall context of what has taken place in Gaza, as part of the Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, which the President of Turkey found so compelling that he could not stay still, so he "had" to leave.
You can find the video and information here, thanks to Little Green Footballs. I only watched Peres speaking, which takes place about 39 min 25 sec into the video.
I really encourage you to watch this powerfully passionate oratory, I personally found it not only compelling from a viewing perspective, but a source of light in the darkness. It will not only be worth your time, but it may help to provide some balance to what has been a media Titanic.
I will be back... soon
Until next time...
Who thinks they know what this post will be about?
Come on, Hands up!
Who thinks this is going to be about history being made in the White House by a Black man. That would be somewhat of a good guess, a logical presupposition to maintain one may say. But alas, not so fast Josephine. To be sure, Barack H. Obama has made history, and no matter what your political postering, it is momentous!
While there has been much grist that could have passed through this mill recently, this will have to wait for another day. You see, I am on holiday (I didn't want to lose any one of my three visitors), and while one can still "do their blog thing", I am working under the most adverse of circumstances, trying to navigate on what can only be described as the devils dial-up. "Up", there is nothing of the sort, call it "dial-down", for all its bipolar, Jekyll and Hyde-isms.
Therefore, the history in the making was meant to indicate that this could very well be one of my shortest posts ever (the emphasis being on "could").
If you have taken the time to read my three posts (I am not intentionally trying to be funny, laughing in my face could be construed to be rude), then you will realise that I am the Scunthorpe United of Computer-Geeks, the Detroit Lions of the Techy world, the George W. Bush of the Information Technology superhighway (the "W" standing for "Winner" in my case and not "Walker"). In other words, I don't know much, fail regularly, and sound stupid talking about it.
Nevertheless, I am not alone in this quest, I have my Dick Cheney.... OK, ok, my guy has more hair!
Given the above computer reality, one should expect the unexpected. However, I do have a rather unusual experience to report.
As I made my way safely to my blog, minding my own, all of a sudden the lights went on as someone had changed my home page, and made all these wierd blog associations, insinuating all manner of things. I had machinations of Gitmo and rendition, with big strong men boarding water with impunity. This was not helped as I had just watched Eagle Eye, which I am sure was not another veiled attempt at carpet bombing the Bush administration, which would be so unlike Spielberg.
Suddenly I was beginning to think that my chicken's had come home to roost (you were right Rev. Wright), someone had been fiddling with my blog - Heaven's to Betsy, Code Pink! After moments, what seemed like hours of gut-wrenching anxiety, I was able to regain composure... just, and reasoned that this must have been the work of my friend, my fixer, who decided, in his wisdom that my blog needed some, you know, jeune se qua.
One can not be too careful these days, I mean, we all know that 9/11 was staged!
Just in case you are beginning to froth at the mouth, settle down Tiger, I am merely attempting to "have a go at the art of spoof, what."
I do hope you like the new lookout. I do apologise to the blogs listed on my right, I do not believe in blind dates.
I might not be able to say that "I have a dream", but "I do have an idea" that there will be more changes as our internet relationship matures.
We are presently in the Tron, Hamiltron, awaiting the "Parachute" drop, where I will once again be reminded of how old I have become, where there will also, no doubt, be some more fuel for my blog fire - I am burning up!
I will comment then on the things that are presently happening in worlds beyond, so, if you have no life, please return.
Until then, its been special... and God Bless America (get it right Rev. Wright)
Until next time...
As I begin to write this piece, I am hearing details about the miraculous US Airways flight that crashed into the Hudson. Given all that could have consequently happened, the fact that no one died is miraculous.
Watching and hearing from these survivors, one can see that they do not intuitively perceive their existence in an identical way they did when they boarded their flight some hours earlier. With staggering intensity, the realization of their mortality, and the realization of what they were about to lose, has flooded their experience. Some had said goodbye to their families, some had said goodbye in their hearts. While this is no resurrection life, it probably feels a close second.
Do you think their view of life and the worth that they place on making sure it maximised potential has increased?
Yes, I am sure if they were asked, they would affirm that they were seeking to live their lives to the fullest, but intellectual assent is Milli Vanilli compared with their subsequent reality.
While these individuals will live to tell of their account, over the past week, I have been remembering Sonny Fai.
For those of you who are not from the Australasian region, or who find sport and the grass that sport is played on are both similarly absorbing, you may not have heard of Sonny Fai. It was said by others that this young man was standing on the precipice of greatness. He was only 20 years young, and this was going to be the year when Sonny began to shine brightly in the world of Rugby League. He had the size, the stature, the strength, and the speed, blessed with the physical gifts that money can not buy. For example, Sonny could bench press 185 kg, and could even bench 175 kg at the age of 17 (guys will be impressed). In the age-group grades, he had left defenders in his wake. This was going to be the beginning of a new warrior for his club and country.
"Potential" is such a cunning word. It lulls you in and gives the appearance of something good, something positive, but as time becomes reflection, it signals something yet unfulfilled.
Sadly, Sonny Fai had such potential!
At a beach on the west coast of the upper North Island, this young man, viewing his own well-being as worth-less than those who were succumbing to the strength of the ocean, came to the rescue. Sonny's siblings and cousins, caught in a rip, were in trouble. Through Sonny Fai's will to let others live, all his siblings and cousins, who were helpless in the ocean, survived to live on.
However, while his siblings/cousins would make it to shore, Sonny did not, and has not been seen since, some two weeks later. He had successfully saved his family by putting himself at risk, thereby substituting his life for theirs. While his cousin blames himself for what happened, love is a debt we willingly continue to incur.
While there has been much searching for Sonny, he has not returned, and yet we hopelessly hope. In a nightmare of a scenario, this must only make the grief for his family worse.
While this is a tragic reality, I would hasten to guess that given the circumstances again, this young man would have put those he loved before himself. When something is of extreme worth, the concept of sacrifice looses its worth, and becomes calling, duty, honour, responsibility, love...
The survivors on the flight in NY, and the family of Sonny Fai, will not be the same following their experience. Life will have changed. Now, while it is true that their will be much reflection, and much mourning, sorrow, grief and pain for Sonny's family in particular. It is also true that this furnace, which has taken so much, in time will forge a new perspective in their lives.
Please understand what I am saying, it is easy to confuse the brevity of lines with the concept that is contained therein (In other words, the suffering will not be brief). Joesph spent approx. 15 years from his dreams to their fulfillment. Much of this intermission was filled with trial and pain. Yet, in the fullness of time, with his character and conception of a life well lived, truly changed, he was to meet his brothers, and weep for joy. Yes, what he had gone through was meant to harm him as a result of their skulduggery, but the darkness of the night was pregnant with the new day of fulfillment, which was good.
One of my favourite quotes that became significant as I became unwell was penned by Jim Elliot, one of murdered missionary's serving his Creator in the days of his youth in Ecuador. Jim says this, When it comes to die, make sure that all you have to do is die. In other words, live your life in such a way that you seize each moment, each opportunity, each day, and pour your life into those things that really count, that are really worthwhile. Sadly, for most of us, we can easily confuse worth with a self-centred pursuit pleasure, forsaking those things that really count, when ultimate pleasure has only one supplier - God (Christian Hedonism - Thanks John Piper).
However, it does not have to be this way. Think and Remember. James tells us to be careful about planning on our plans. No, he is not telling us to be foolhardy about planning for our futures, but he is telling us to have our passports at the ready, because there is His time, when we will need it. I believe Psalm 139 when it affirms that God has our life sorted out, beginning to end.
This means that from the moment you read this, there is a limit to how many days you have left, how many hours you have... left, ticking, how many more times your heart will continue to beat, how many times you will get an opportunity to speak to those you love the most, to speak to those who need to hear Christ the most, to do the things that matter the most.
The real question before us is this, are we living like there is no tomorrow? Because one day, unbeknown to you and me when it will be, there will be no.........!
On that final Sunday morning that Sonny Fai awoke, he probably had no idea that this day was his last (although I still want to hope). Let's take a random occurrence like breakfast, how would you savour and appreciate the experience if this was going to be your last ever breakfast. You would make sure that you took account of each mouthful and did not rush to inhale it down and rush out the door. You would contemplate what a blessing it was to have this food, each morning of your life, and the fact that this was your last, would truly impact you. There would probably be much regret that it was only at the end of your life that you truly got the most out of this experience, when you could have had this experience every morning of your life. Now connect the dots to every other sphere of your life. Think and Remember!
Consider those things of real worth, like the call of your Creator who wants to radically and continually transform your life and existence, so that you, yes you, live a life that truly radiates the worth of another young man's substitutionary act on your behalf, so that you could have life, yes, life abundantly. Don't waste another day, hour, heartbeat!
Reader, you were destined by Deity!
As you read this and I write this, we are all Sonny Fai, as we approach death in the dark. The day will dawn, the hour will come, and it will be worth the wait! In the meantime, make sure that all you have to do is die.
Until next time...
As I was watching the cricket on Television, I happened to be channel surfing. Yes, the favourite pastime of many males, no matter what country, colour, or creed. As I was medicating my fix, I noticed a piece about President George W. Bush's last press conference as commander and chief. Apart from this being a moment documenting the historical transition in US history (the author is neither cheering nor booing), what was interesting to note was that the attending press corp gave him a standing ovation (Now I am assuming that although the press corp may generally stand, applause is not their normal response. If I am wrong on this account, humor me).
I have to say that I was a little surprised, given how he is portrayed/viewed by many in the media (the author understands that many in the media have more liberal sympathies). One wonders whether this "standing ovation" was more an act of respectful, albeit, knee-jerk decorum (its what we always do), or was it more a reflection of a respecting the office, not necessarily the individual who holds the office, or finally, was it a reflection of the press corps intuitive response to a job well done.
If the BBC is any reflection of the press corp in general, the fact that they recently had a debate to deal with the question of whether George Bush was the worst President in the last 50 years, then it would most certainly not be the last option. Given the BBC's reputation, one wonders why they limited it to only the past 50! This derisive opinion of Bush also extends to good old NZ, with one example being Simon Dallow, on One News, who in response to a piece about George Bush being close to his library in the future, thought it was a jolly good old belly ache to suggest that he might not use it very much (this betrays the reality of how much Bush actually reads - See Karl Rove). You see, he really must be thick!
I understand that the issues Bush has tackled have elicited strong emotional perspectives in people, with many claiming the moral majority. But, in my opinion, the lack of respect for this man from so many, shows an ignorance of the scope of the office, a disingenuous initiative to understand the man, a naivete of the impact of the coverage of the media(an example will be forthcoming), a lack of graciousness from all those who lack an intimate knowledge of the vicissitudes of the job, and finally, a failure to remember the man of 9/11, where he won universal praise for his strong leadership. Remembering such a time would provide more objective balance to the personal disgust many hold of the Bush terms. One must remember that in the 04 election, he was the first President to gain 50% of the vote since 1988. This shows that for a good period of time, he was not viewed as the pariah of 2008.
Just before I am accused of a blood libel for Bush, I must admit that throughout his 8 years, I have not been overtly enamored or excessively underwhelmed by the "W", notwithstanding his time around 9/11 when he stood tall. I have to say that I do not dislike the man, and when I look at him, I do not see a pitiable joke. I do speak from my New Zealand perspective, which may be alittle more detached (even though for all intense and purposes just as plugged into this globalized world through the various media, I still perceive myself to be somewhat detached from the hip[so to speak]).
I am sure many eulogies will be written about the "Bush" terms in office. No doubt, the badge "liberal" v "conservative" will have much (too much) impact on how one views the last eight years, and as one commentator opined, it may be only in 50 years, when we see how radical Islam plays out that we will see if George W. Bush played his big hand on the right flop. My hunch is that his presidency will gain in luster (it could be argued, you can't lose anymore when you are broke), once the emotion that surrounds the man is healed with time.
Nevertheless, as the last election confirmed, the image of George W. Bush, whether real of imagined, was something that no one wanted to be implicated with (if you were a republican), or labelled with (by the democrats). Bush was the leper of the elections, the President of Disrepute, exiled to the Island of derision.
Therefore, at such a time as this, may I add some concluding thoughts about this man and his time.
As I have said, I am not significantly impassioned one way or the other with the Bush legacy. Yes, he does have to carry some/most of the can with the economy; certainly the cost of his foreign policy has not helped in this regard. Although, it is a matter of historical record that he called on Congress to provide more regulation for Freddie and Fannie, which they did not heed.
On the other hand, he has kept the
While these realities should be included in any account documenting his legacy. I believe the broad context of the Iraq War and what has transpired subsequently, will be an abiding impression that many will remember about Bush, in the short term, anyway.
Hindsight is a wonderful genius in all our realities, with time and documented opinion affirming that
This brings us to the crux of this issue. No matter what your opinion of the wisdom of the war, the WMD issue was viewed as being morally acceptable for the undertaking the US took, which is why, when they were not discovered, all hell broke loose. This is a vital point to note!
This situation has caused much gesticulation from many, with opinion, more left of centre, even claiming that the initial Intel that Iraq had WMDs was, at the least, corrupt or corrupted, with Bush implicated. Bush openly admits that the Intel he recieved was wrong, which is why he decided to have an investigation into this failure from the various departments, post this event. Let's also remember that the UN Security Council voted 15-0 on a measure that called for Saddam to either disarm or face conflict. They based their decision on the intel at the time. We also forget that after 91, with G H W Bush, hundreds to thousands of chemical weapons were destroyed. It was no secret that Saddam had these capabilities in the past, therefore, when the intel brings forward this information, it is not a big stretch, and the world community believed that this was once again the case. This is why many nations of the world went to war with the US on principle!
It is also true that there are those, rejecting any conspiracy claims, flatly believe that the Iraq War was the wrong move for
Therefore, in light of this reality, one's opinion of the Iraq War is portrayed as a quasi moral question of the 21st century.
This above reality may also be one factor in why the US, no, the world, is so captivated with President-elect Obama, as he is viewed as the anti-Bush, "Change you can believe in". Much of his early appeal with liberals, anyway, was the fact that he humbly affirmed that he NEVER supported the war in
There is one fact that I have not heard reported.
On that same
Read this portion of his speech from that day
"Now let me be clear - I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. The world - and the Iraqi people - would be better off without him."
While it may be worth pointing out that the consistent flagrant thwarting of the UN could easily be used as justification for taking on Saddam, what I want to focus on is Obama's matter-of-fact affirmation that Saddam has developed chemical and biological weapons.
Correct me if I am wrong, but is this not an affirmation that Obama believed that Saddam did indeed have WMDs.
In other words, Barack Obama and George Bush were both singing from the same song sheet. They both understood that Saddam Hussein was in possession of the now infamous Weapons of Mass Destruction. The real significant difference was in their choice of action by Bush, or inaction, by Obama.
Now, I am not drinking the Kool-aid for George "W", nor am I an apologist for the "save the George Bush reputation" party. But I do find it sadly ironic that those who have castigated Bush, and accused him of such immorality, do so, when the premise of his decision was the same as President-elect Obama, which was that Saddam had WMDs, which was the accepted baseline for launching an attack on Saddam Hussein.
Therefore, please feel free to disagree with Bush over the wisdom of the Iraqi war, and be angry over the loss of life and waste, etc, which is perfectly valid. But, please do not be an historical revisionist, and re-write what transpired. If truth is worth fighting for, then we are all compelled to challenge our presuppositions. It is sad that people allow their disgust for the man to cloud their objectivity.
Assuming that what I am writing is reflective of the situation, this would also help to rehabilitate what is a seismic disruption between those on either side of the dividing colours of red and blue in the US. However, Bush has been such easy money, that he continues to be waged, and the band plays on.
In some 6 more days, someone else will be responsible for the future course of US foreign policy (no doubt the Bush "ace" will be played when needed).
On Jan. 20th, Barack Hussein Obama will be the next president of the
If this talk from Obama becomes reality, will we hear such an outcry from those, spread across this planet we inhabit, who have so castigated Bush as a fool. Or will those who claim that Bush is so driven by his ideology, really to be shown that their disgust of Bush and acceptance of Obama have been guilty of such a charge. Only time will tell.
As a concluding thought, I would hazard-to-guess that if we were able to quantify the total amount of prayers for US Presidents, George "W" would be very near the bottom (particularly post 9/11). I would hope that those Christians who have been challenging Bush the most, have been those who have prayed for him the most. Sadly, I think so many people have given up on George.
How many times have you prayed for Bush in these past 8 years?
If Bush is what he has claimed to be (and there is no reason to doubt this), than not only has he needed your prayers as the leader of the free world, but he has needed your prayers as a fellow brother in Christ. One wonders what some Christian leaders will have to say to Bush when war is no more?
I have only 6 days to repent!
What about you?
Until next time...
Postscript - I did indicate that I was going to add some little tidbit about the WMDs in Iraq. In the attached article, you will read an account of someone claiming to have found these. Obviously, in the courtroom of world opinion, this is no affidavit, but it is an interesting account that sounds surprisingly curious.
This is my very first post (No stop it, your embarrassing me).
It is viewed as axiomatic that first impressions count. Public communication folk affirm that in approx. 7 seconds, we decide if the individual speaking in front of us is worth the further effort. Preach it brother. If you have made it this far in deciding to visit this blog and read these words before you, your 7 seconds has expired. Will the three people reading this post continue? O the pressure! O the exhilaration!
If tedium is beginning to set in, you can blame some friends who have been encouraging me to post my verbosity on my very own blog. I don't know, maybe they think I can unload on some unsuspecting reader. I can not take credit for what you see here (I am no techno-geek), at this point anyway, as one of these friends kindly set this up for me. If you cared to peruse my profile, you will see his humorous handiwork.
However, from this point on, I am guilty as charged.
What is my purpose for foisting my thoughts onto your computer screen? This is a good question.
It is my goal in this blog to offer my thoughts, my opinions on any number of issues to any and all. I can't guarantee that you will agree with how I view reality, but I do hope and trust that it causes you to think, and even challenge, your understanding of a life well lived under the sun.
As I have said, what I will say is my opinion, but it is my opinion that I hope to be predicated on truth. Yes, I am ignorant enough to believe that there is such a category. However, the challenge is to be able to find it.
Let me illustrate this for you.
The belief that there is truth, and the desire to find this is also affirmed in an article on the Sojourners God's Politics blog by Ryan Rodrick Beiler, titled Whose Truth Do You Trust in the Gaza Conflict? found here
While the title to this piece indicates that you might be about to read an analysis of both perspectives, in the hope that by wrestling with what may be intractable truth claims, some light may help to dissipate the heat that this debate ensues.
However, what you really have is another veiled dig at the Israeli's. If one doubts this reality, at the end of the article, Beiler, attempting to hit it out of the park, and answer the title to his piece, offers the reader the following, But for those still looking for credible testimony about what’s really going on in Gaza, here is some heart-wrenching testimony from a Norwegian doctor working with the U.N., as broadcast by CBS. In other words, here comes the truth that can be trusted.
Let's take him at his word, and trust what this Dr Mads Gilbert has to say. The real question that needs to be answered is this, Is this man (and his colleague) an objective voice? This is an important question to answer, as CAMERA has stated, this Doctor and his colleague have become media stars as the BBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Independent, Sky News, and New York Times, among others, have turned to them as independent foreign observers to provide a presumably non-partisan perspective.
So what is the problem?
As CAMERA goes onto affirm, these individuals are far from objective. You should read this article here
If to possibly further illuminate this reality, Newsbusters has recorded an incident these individuals were involved in, which made it's way onto CNN, which claimed to be a recording of the death of a 12 year old, hit by an Israeli drone. However, Newsbusters claim that this was staged. The fact that CNN seem to have withdrawn this, lends credence to their claim. You make up your own mind. You can read about this here
What does this one example illuminate for those seeking the truth?
Just as there is a battle in the media for the hearts and minds of the world in regard to conflict in Gaza, daily we are presented with information masquerading as fact. Yes, much of this comes through various media. Even what you have read so far can only be masquerading, until you compare it with the sources, and correspondence is affirmed.
It is only then that it becomes truth. I told you there was such a thing!
Until next time...
Update: The debate continues with the video on CNN. Check out this piece from Newsbusters for the latest developments. Apparently it is been reposted by CNN. If you desire to read further, check it out here
Further Update: For those interested in viewing the CNN debate, Little Green Footballs has a number of posts examining the issues, here